Thursday, July 24, 2008

10 Lightening Fast Ways To Escalate Your Sales

1. Sell an inexpensive product to sell an expensive
product. If people like your inexpensive product,
they'll be persuaded to buy your expensive one.

2. Allow your visitors to decided how much they
want to pay for your product. I only recommend it
for products that don't sell or ones that hardly sell.

3. Create an extra revenue stream with your web
site's articles or content. Publish the first paragraph
of each article and charge people to read the rest.

4. E-mail targeted e-zines and ask them to do a
joint venture with you. Ask them to run your ad and
in exchange they get a percentage of the profits.

5. Find a tiny niche for your new free e-zine. There
are thousands of free e-zines; your e-zine needs to
be extra specialized to attract new subscribers.

6. Test your ads by using autoresponders. You can
have people e-mail your autoresponders to get more
information and you just check your traffic reports.

7. Create credibility and trust with your visitors by
telling them something they already know. They'll
know for sure you're not lying to them.

8. Make residual income from your customers by
selling back end products. If you don't have any,
you could sign up to related affiliate programs.

9. Use a redirect page to boost your sales. People
think the long affiliate URLs look unprofessional in
e-mail so you could redirect them to a web link.

10. Create an extra income from your web site by
charging for consulting. The consulting should be
related to your web site's theme.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Home Based Business Opportunities – Let’s Make it a Long Weekend

By Bill Schnarr

Ask anyone the best thing about a good home based business opportunity and they’ll tell you the same thing – the ability to make on-the-spot decisions about the little things that come up.

For example, your hard at work on your home based internet business and the phone rings. It’s your best friend, who lives out of town but is in the neighbourhood for a few hours on a stopover at the airport. Can you imagine the headaches it would cause if you tried to explain to your boss that you needed time off work because you wanted to go for a coffee with your friends? You’d be lucky if you had a job to come back to, if you even dared to step outside the building.

Working at home and making the most of your home based business opportunities would allow you the freedom to jump in your car and zip up to spend the afternoon with your friend. Time well spent, and surely something that would add to the rich fabric of your life.

What is your life worth to you? Sure, your Monday to Friday job may pay the bills, but we humans were not born tied to a clock. Living to work can lead to a miserable, lonely existence away from your friends and loved ones. That’s why so many people are turning away from traditional Monday to Friday jobs and looking to space for better business opportunities – in this case, cyberspace.

In fact, so many people, from professionals to college students, are deciding on home based business opportunities that they are changing the very face of the business world.

On top of traditional work at home jobs, such as writing and other artistic pursuits, there the internet has provided a springboard to launch hundreds of thousands of new careers around the world. These days, many home based opportunities are more than simply opening a little shoe repair store as a side gig. People are buying, selling, and marketing their way to successful, experience-rich lives and they’re doing it a few hours at a time.

The rest of the day, they’re busy making the most of their lives. They’re spending time with friends, their kids, or just taking the time to enjoy the things that they enjoy most. The ability to just drop everything at the drop of a hat and take off to do something fun in the middle of work is a great feeling. It gives you the feeling that you are in control of your life, and you are living it to the fullest potential.

On top of that, home based businesses are also lining their pockets. The earning potential of affiliate marketing as a home based business, for example, is virtually limitless. Successful affiliate marketers can make thousands of extra dollars a month in the time it takes to transfer the funds from their online payment accounts to their bank accounts.

Not only are they working from home and achieving these results, they are also travelling out of state to visit relatives and earning a bundle, or checking their accounts from their Hawaiian vacation hotel room and earning money…you get the point.

More freedom and more money. More importantly, a level of control in their lives that is unheard of in a regular Monday to Friday existence. It’s easy to see why these successful men and women have decided to make the most of their business opportunities.

The question is, why aren’t you?

For more information, visit

About The Author

Bill Schnarr is a single parent and freelance writer who works from his home in Calgary, Alberta. As well as writing about home based business opportunities and having dozens of online and print publishing credits, you can also look for him in "Chicken Soup for the Single Parents Soul" which was published in February 2005.

Saturday, March 25, 2006


There are many ways in which you can increase your earnings and maintain the account that you have worked so hard for already. Most of the techniques and tactics can be learned easily. No need to go anywhere and any further. They are available online, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.One of the more important ways of increasing affiliate marketing bottom line and sale is through the use of product recommendations. Many marketers know that this is one of the most effective ways in promoting a certain product. If the customers or visitors trust you enough, then they will definitely trust your recommendations. Be very careful in using this approach, though. If you start promoting everything by recommendation, your credibility will actually wear thin. This is seen especially when recommendations are seemingly exaggerated and without much merit. Do not be afraid to mention things that you do not like about a given product or service. Rather than lose any points for you, this will make your recommendation more realistic and will tend to increase your credibility. Furthermore, if your visitors are really interested in what you are offering, they will be more than delighted to learn what is good about the product, what is not so good, and how the product will benefit them.When you are recommending a certain product, there are some things to remember on how to make it work effectively and for your advantage.Sound like the true and leading expert in your field. Remember this simple equation: Price resistance diminishes in direct proportion to trust. If your visitors feel and believe that you are an expert in your niche, they are more inclined to making that purchase. On the other hand, if you are not exuding any confidence and self-assurance in endorsing your products, they will probably feel that same way and will go in search of another product or service which is more believable.How do you establish this aura of expertise? By offering unique and new solutions they would not get anywhere else. Show proof that what you are promoting works as promised. Display prominent testimonials and endorsements from respected and known personalities, in related fields of course. Avoid hype at all costs. It is better to sound low key and confident, than to scream and seek attention. Besides, you would not want to sound unprofessional and have that thinking stick to your potential customers and clients, now would you? Best to appear cool and self-assured at the same time.And remember; prospects are not stupid. They are actually turning to experts and may already know the things that you know. If you back up your claims with hard facts and data, they would gladly put down hundreds, or even thousands worth of money to your promotions. But if you don’t, they are smart enough to try and look at your competitors and what they are offering.While recommending a product, it is also important that you give out promotional freebies. People are already familiar with the concept of offering freebies to promoting your won products. But very few people do this to promote affiliate products. Try to offer freebies that can promote or even have some information about your products or services. Before you add recommendations to you product, it is given that you should try and test the product and support. Do not run the risk of promoting junk products and services. Just think how long it took you to build credibility and trust among your visitors. All that will take to destroy it is one big mistake on your part.If possible, have recommendations of products that you have 100% confidence in. Test the product support before you begin to ensure that the people you are referring it to would not be left high and dry when a problem suddenly arouse. Have a look at your affiliate market and look at the strategies you are using. You may not be focusing on the recommendations that your products need to have. You plan of action is sometimes not the only thing that is making your program works.Try product recommendation and be among those few who have proven its worth.

God bless you with this best opportunity!

Friday, March 24, 2006


There are many horror stories about affiliate programs and networks. People have heard them over and over again, that some are even wary of joining one. The stories they may have heard are those related to illegal programs or pyramid schemes. Basically, this kind of market does not have real, worthy product.

You do not want to be associated with these schemes. It is obvious you want to be with a program that offers high quality product that you will readily endorse. The growing number of those who have joined already and are succeeding immensely is proof enough that there are reliable and quality affiliate programs out there.

Why participate in an affiliate program?

It allows you to work part-time. It gives you the opportunity to build a generous residual income. And it makes you an owner of a small business. Affiliate programs have already created lots of millionaires. They are the living testimony of how hard work; continuous prospecting, motivating and training others pay off.

If ever you are deciding to join one, you must take note that you are getting into something that is patterned to what you are capable of. This will be an assurance that you are capable of doing anything to come out successful.

How do you choose a good affiliate program to promote? Here are some tips you may want to look over before choosing one:

1. A program that you like and have interest in. One of the best ways of knowing if that is the kind of program you wish to promote is if you are interested in purchasing the product yourself. If that is the case, chances are, there are many others who are also interested in the same program and products.

2. Look for a program that is of high quality. For instance, look for one that is associated with many experts in that particular industry. This way, you are assured that of the standard of the program you will be joining into.

3. Join in the ones that offer real and viable products. How do you know this? Do some initial research. If possible, track down some of the members and customers to give you testimonial on the credibility of the program.

4. The program that is catering to a growing target market. This will ensure you that there will be more and continuous demands for your referrals. Make inquiries. There are forums and discussions you can participate in to get good and reliable feedbacks.

5. A program with a compensation plan that pays out a residual income and a payout of 30% or more would be a great choice. There are some programs offering this kind of compensation. Look closely for one. Do not waste your time with programs that do not reward substantially for your efforts.

6. Be aware of the minimum quotas that you must fulfill or sales target that is too hard to achieve. Some affiliate programs imposes pre-requisites before you get your commissions. Just be sure that you are capable of attaining their requirements.

7. Select one that has plenty of tools and resources that can help you grow the business in the shortest possible time. Not all affiliate programs have these capacities. Make use you decide on one with lots of helpful tools you can use.

8. Check out if the program has a proven system that can allow you to check your networks and compensation. Also check if they have it available online for you to check anytime and anywhere.

9. The program that is offering strong incentives for members to renew their membership each time. The affiliate program that provides continuous help and upgrades for its products have the tendency to retain its members. These things can assure the growth of your networks.

10. Be aware of the things that members are not happy about in a program. Like with the ones mentioned above, you can do your checking at discussion forums. If you know someone in that same program, there is ho harm asking if there are many downsides involved.

Have a thorough and intensive knowledge about the affiliate program and network you will be promoting on.

Knowing the kind of program you are getting yourself into will make you anticipate and prevent any future problems you may encounter.

God bless you with this best opportunity!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Every affiliate marketer is always looking for the successful market that gives the biggest paycheck. Sometimes they think it is a magic formula that is readily available for them. Actually, it is more complicated than that. It is just good marketing practices that have been proven over years of hard work and dedication.
There are tactics that have worked before with online marketing and is continuing to work in the online affiliate marketing world of today. With these top three marketing tips, you will be able to able to increase your sales and survive in the affiliate marketing online.

What are these three tactics?

1. Using unique web pages to promote each separate product you are marketing. Do not lump all of it together just to save some money on web hosting. It is best to have a site focusing on each and every product and nothing more.

Always include product reviews on the website so visitors will have an initial understanding on what the product can do to those who buys them. Also include testimonials from users who have already tried the product. Be sure that these customers are more than willing to allow you to use their names and photos on the site of the specific product you are marketing.

You can also write articles highlighting the uses of the product and include them on the website as an additional page. Make the pages attractive compelling and include calls to act on the information. Each headline should attract the readers to try and read more, even contact you. Highlight your special points. This will help your readers to learn what the page is about and will want to find out more.

2. Offer free reports to your readers. If possible position them at the very top side of your page so it they simply cannot be missed. Try to create autoresponder messages that will be mailed to those who input their personal information into your sign up box. According to research, a sale is closed usually on the seventh contact with a prospect.

Only two things can possibly happen with the web page alone: closed sale or the prospect leaving the page and never return again. By placing useful information into their inboxes at certain specified period, you will remind them of the product they thought they want later and will find out that the sale is closed. Be sure that the content is directed toward specific reasons to buy the product. Do not make it sound like a sales pitch.

Focus on important points like how your product can make life and things easier and more enjoyable. Include compelling subject lines in the email. As much as possible, avoid using the word “free” because there are still older spam filters that dumps those kind of contents into the junk before even anyone reading them first. Convince those who signed up for your free reports that they will be missing something big if they do not avail of your products and services.

3. Get the kind of traffic that is targeted to your product. Just think, if the person who visited your website has no interest whatsoever in what you are offering, they will be among those who move on and never come back. Write articles for publication in e-zines and e-reports. This way you can locate publications that is focusing on your target customers and what you have put up might just grab their interest.

Try to write a minimum of 2 articles per week, with at least 300-600 words in length. By continuously writing and maintaining these articles you can generate as many as 100 targeted readers to your site in a day.
Always remember that only 1 out of 100 people are likely to buy your product or get your services. If you can generate as much as 1,000 targeted hits for your website in a day, that means you can made 10 sales based on the average statistic.

The tactics given above does not really sound very difficult to do, if you think about it. It just requires a little time and an action plan on your part.

Try to use these tips for several affiliate marketing programs. You can end maintaining a good source of income and surviving in this business that not all marketers can do.
Besides, think of the huge paychecks you will be receiving…

God bless you with this best opportunity!